7 Customer Testimonials “Zestra”

  1. Donna says:

    Zestra works effortlessly and within minutes by heightening your sensitivity to touch – for deep, pleasurable sensations, sexual satisfaction and fulfillment. And, yes this is exactly what i’m looking for. I can use all the help I can get…….

    Source MoreWomenReviews

  2. B Forest says:

    Zestra’s instructions say to massage the oils onto the female genitalia at least 5 minutes before. Um…… sorry but I’m thinking that 5 minutes of “massaging” is what is really working along with the mindset of having an orgasm. All the oil does is provide a bit of heat.

    Source Amazon

  3. S Phillps says:

    I am a 52 year old woman and I have always had problems achieving an orgasm. I discovered Zestra about 2 years ago and my husband and I have used it ever since. I have no problem having 2 to 3 orgasms. It is pricey but worth every cent. Do not hesitate to give it a try if you want to experience great sexual pleasure.

    Source Amazon

  4. Kristina Tieu says:

    This product does work, but expect a burning sensation after a little while. I had to run to the shower to wash it off!

    Source Amazon

  5. mary gutierrez says:

    It does work. However, I cannot get passed the bad odor of the gel. Couldn’t get the smell off even after washing several times with soap. My partner could not tolerate the odor and will try something else.

  6. BJK says:

    Works for me while KY intense does nothing

  7. Timothy R says:

    Ok, my wife and I have tried several products, with most of them only giving minor effects (like Kama Sutra’s “massaging applilcator” thing which is just weak menthol, waste of $20 bucks) to decent effects like with “Lady V” which she liked but did nothing for me.

    We start with a little dollop on her clit and a very light coat on my manhood. Unbelieveably nice warming feeling that you don’t get with menthol products. Intensifies every touch and stroke. She usually isn’t very aggressive but we use this stuff and she is practically raping me! (you can’t rape the willing) The sensations lit her rocket and mine both.

    I gotta say finding Zestra at Wal-Mart for 8 bucks for 3 tiny pouches was a bit pricy at first but after trying, BAM!! Worth every cent! Each pouch is enough for 3-4 “go rounds”, more if only using on her clit.

    Downside: Smells kinda funky but you get past it considering how well it works. Maybe some people will get a burning sensation, suggestion; use less. Also, don’t get it on your butt unless you are into that sort of thing.

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